The Feel Better Program - Silver - Made Foods

The Feel Better Program - Silver

Who doesn't want to feel better? Feel like you have more energy, feel like you're in better shape, feel sharper, well rested, and that you have more time.

Our 30-day program will teach you how to balance your nutrition and fitness within an active lifestyle. It's our mission to make it manageable, convenient and fun. You will develop a foundation of knowledge and skills to continually improve.

What you'll receive.

  • Nutrition Consultation (in person or Zoom) with Nutrition coach Pharyne.
  • Complete a comprehensive nutritional intake form and 1-on-1 review.
  • Discuss personal & family health/medical history. Current activity level, food allergens/preferences.
  • Determine individual goals, receive a tracking journal for food and goal planning.
  • Receive a customized 30-day meal program.
  • Weekly 15-30 minute check in's via Zoom or phone.
  • Membership to Meal Garden, an online platform for health and wellness tracking.
  • Made Foods member pricing on all meals and home delivery.

Our programs run for four weeks and you can start at any time. At the end of the program our coaches will be there to support you with planning the next phases of your wellness journey.

Sign up for your consultation today and let's start planning your healthier, happier, future you! 

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